Saturday 23 January 2016

Shadowhunters episode 1

Ok first of all shut up! I know I am not the target audience here, but thats never stopped me having an opinion before and also to that I would make 2 points;

1. Any TV writer worth his salt and obscene salary knows its wise to try and cast as wide a net as possible.
2. If I only watched, read and listened to the things aimed at my age group I would live a very dull life indeed!

Anyway to the matter at hand, I read the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare and much to my surprise I really enjoyed it, much more than I was expecting too, though I do have a weakness for this type of fiction.

I discovered this series very recently and have only just finished the last book in orginal series, I have yet to watch the movie, (though popular consensus is that its awful) when I heard there was a TV series in the works I was quite interested, and was very keen to give it a watch, unfortunately the 1st episode was kind of a disaster.

I am going to start with ehat I thought they got right;


No real complaints, everyone looks good, I was paticularly happy with the actors cast for Alec, Izzy and Magnus (not so sold on Jace though) I
 like the casting of Valentine, visually not what I would have done but I think it works.


Again no conplaint it looked slick and was shot reasonably well.

Sadly this is were the good ends nearly everything else was bad.

The demons:

So far they all look like generic minsters straight out of the power rangers.

The Stele:

Looks cheap and plastic, like something out a discout toy store.


What storytelling? There is no character development, theres way too much going on its like 3-4 episodes crammed into 1 it felt sooooo rushed. And because so much is going on and so quickly there is absolutely nothing to keep make you invested and make you care about ANY of the characters. This episode should have been built a lot slower and IMO should have been about establishing the relationship between Clary, Simon, Luke and her mum. The supernatural elements should have been hinted at but not fully revealed and the Shadow Hunters should not have made a real appearance till near the end leaving you with a hook to come back to see what was going to happen next.

The writing for Clary's mum was horrendous and exposing her daughter so quickly to the truth and giving her the stele made no sense. I dont like what l they have done with the institute at all, and back to my original gripe there is nothing in this episode to make you give a shit about whats happening. Waste of time.

Lightsaber swords:

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Who ever came up with this is fucking moron.

Ultimately this feels like a show a cynical cash in made by committe. What do young people like?

Goodlooking characters
Star Wars is back lets put some lightsabers in.

Right that so lets put all of those things in there dont worry too much about the story, this is for teenagers they dont have the attention sp

an to care right? Just make it flashy with plenty of all of the above, and no-one will notice we didnt bother with a story.

And lets just wait for the money roll in.


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